Domestic Violence Awareness
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The Allison Baden-Clay Foundation receives so many stories from the community about their experiences with domestic and family violence. We are thankful to all of those who share their stories with us.
A brave woman got in touch with the Foundation and has agreed for her story to be shared with others. Her story provides us with an insight to a domestic and family violence situation. Through sharing her story, this courageous woman hopes to help others identify the signs of domestic and family violence and potentially provide some assistance as to what you can do to help.

Family and friends
Allison’s Foundation encourages everyone to hold their relatives and friends accountable for violent and unacceptable behaviour, and not condone or ignore behaviour of family and friends who breach the relationship of trust by engaging in domestic and family violence. To encourage families and friends to be networks of safety for people who have suffered domestic and family violence, to provide an environment where victims can seek help and take action to remove themselves from danger.

Allison’s Foundation encourages everyone to get to know their neighbours, to report incidents of possible domestic and family violence, and not consider the abuse ‘just a domestic’ or ‘not my business’.

Religious leaders
For Allison’s Foundation and the community to challenge leaders of all faiths and religions to take a leadership role in fostering and encouraging respectful relationships in their community, and to teach their communities and congregations that coercive control and violence are never acceptable. To urge leaders of faith to provide support to victims of domestic and family violence, and encourage their community to do so too.

Sporting Organisation
For Allison’s Foundation and the community to challenge professional athletes and sporting teams of all types to model respectful relationships, and to highlight to fans, athletes and team-mates that domestic and family violence will not be tolerated. To challenge community sporting organisations to ‘start the conversation’ about domestic and family violence.
To challenge organised sporting clubs to train coaches, referees and others involved with the sport, including volunteers, to identify when domestic and family violence may be occurring and how to safely intervene.

Community organisations
Legacy, RSL, Rotary, Guides, Scouts, Historical Societies
For Allison’s Foundation and the community to challenge community organisations to play a leadership role in creating an environment where all members of their community feel empowered to take action to stop violence. This includes helping members to develop skills in preventing and safely intervening in domestic and family violence incidents in their community.